Friday, September 14, 2007

Ruth and the reading for Friday

I agree with Jennifer. I have always loved Ruth. As a character, she is the kind of woman I would want to write into my own stories. I am amazed at how brave she is to leave her home and her family and go live with her mother-in-law out of devotion and loyalty to her. I could never do that. And once she is in Naomi's homeland, she does what she's got to do for the good of Naomi and herself. And she gets one of the best men in town just because she's a great woman. Good for her! This really is a good story, and I too have wondered why it would paint a woman in such a positive and different light than other women. But whatever the reason, I'm glad this book is in the Bible.

Today's reading in 1 Samuel seemed in such a contrast. Here we have had this empowering story about Ruth and this awesome bond she has with Naomi, and then we have the two wives of Elkanah, Peninnah and Hannah... Gone is the friendship, the bond, the closeness. Granted, the two women are sleeping with the same man so naturally there will be tensions, but it's still sad to me to see these two womens' interactions (Peninnah tormenting Hannah for not having any children) after reading Ruth. However, Hannah is still a good woman because it takes a very strong woman to be able to give her one and only child (at the time) completely to the Lord. I was glad that after this the Lord blessed her with more children in place of Samuel so she would still get to be a mother.

The whole slaying of Eli and his family because they were messing up the offerings was a little out there for me. All that fuss over some raw meat... But, in general, I have a hard time understanding some of the customs in the Old Testament and the way God acts because it is in such contrast to what I have always known of God.

And I never knew the Ark of God had been lost or taken. Reminds me of Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark!