Sunday, September 16, 2007

~ Deity and Transcendent ~

In the Deity article, Hayes refers the Deity to be considered both transcendent and immanent as per common theologies. I came across something in reference to this in the Message of Myth episode of Joseph Campbell where he says that popular myths are mere stories to search meaning and significance, to touch the eternal and understand the mysterious. Here is a picture of Lord Buddha which has 3 faces. So what does such a deity reveal?!! Campbell gives a satisfactory description saying that whenever one moves out of the transcendent one comes to the field of opposites: male/female, this/that, dark/light, dead/alive, good/evil, not/is, right/wrong, being/not being, past/future, peaceful/wrathful... According to him everything is dual in time and the middle refers to the radiance of eternity and the spilt refers to the spilt as in good and evil. Are myths/deities in myths clues to the spiritual potentialities of the human life of what we are cpable of knowing and experienceing within??!