Sunday, September 2, 2007

"But given the course Christianity and all its divisions have taken, and many of them basing their differences on minor theological points not present in any "revealed" scripture, it appears the church has distanced itself from the Bible."
I fully agree with this. I have had the hardest time studying scripture in a church setting. I always get the feeling that people are focusing on one quote and justifying strange beliefs using this quote. Not to step on any toes here but one of my close friends is a member of the Church of Christ and she believes that they are the only church that will get into heaven. She can even pull out parts of scripture that says so. I find it hard to believe that a sect that was formed over a thousand (I am going on the assumption that the Church of Christ was formed after the protestants came to the new world. If I am wrong please enlighten me.) years after the christian religion began to form, will be the only sect amongst so many that will go to heaven.
People take the tiniest bit of scripture that has been verbally passed down, for only God knows how many generations before being written down. Then said STORIES are sorted through and compiled by a group of MEN (no offense) who were trying to construct order and power in their worlds (and power leads to corruption especially if the ones not en charge do not know any better). After all of this the stories are translated into different languages which turn alters their meanings. It is a good bet that a large number of these stories no longer reflect their originals. I am not just saying this about the old testament. The New one also show how perception, memories, and impact can change a single event. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John all tell the story of the Life and Death of Jesus and none of them are exactly alike. Each is different according to how, when and where these people saw or heard about the events. Their are a great deal of similarities but they are not exact. People put into their writing and their reading their own beliefs and experiences therefore it is hard to take a single verse or even story and say that "this is what God says" because I am sorry but it is not.
During the American slavery people used the story of Noah's curse on his son Ham to justify slavery. There is nothing it that story that says the people that live in Africa will be the slaves to the world. It is simply the story of an Old man who is humiliated by his own actions and the fact that his son saw him. Noah is not God nor does he have any magical powers.
Even to day people are taking the Sodom and Gomorrah story and justifying their FEAR of the gay and lesbian community. I have read this section so many times because it is the section people give me when I ask where it says that it is a sin and in none of the times that I have read it have I seen or read anything that says God hates Gay people. I see where it says God hates rapists because to me that is all I see those me that come to Lots door as being. They remind me of those men in prison movies that gang up on the new prisoners and rape them. I am sorry I do not know of any gay man that is going to beat down someones door just to get to another man. Just because a gay couple moves into your neighborhood does not mean that they are going to come rape you in your sleep. I promise they do not want you.
Sorry for the rant but a close friend of mine and I were talking about her recent separation. Her girlfriend refuses to own up to being gay because of fear of what people will say so now even though they still live together she is just claiming that they are roommates. It is just a big mess. This lead us into a conversation that was very similar to what I just wrote down. It was fresh on my mind and well writing helps. If anyone agrees or disagrees or just has any pearls of wisdom please enlighten me. Maybe it will help relieve my anger and frustration.