Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Hi everyone! Sorry I havent got on here much this semester. No excuses. The whole reason I took the class was to learn more about the bible. And I have. You know its always been there its just I have been blind to some of the things in the bible. You know you dont want to think in a negative way about God and some times in class it seems that way to me. I talked to my pastor because some day I would come to class and tone everyone out cause I felt it went against my religion, but after talking to him he told me to listen a learn. He told me it would be a learning experience and to learn other peoples views and beliefs in the bible and to just stay reading my bible and that I knew what i believed in an nothing should change that if I'm a strong believer. Not saying any one in class is wrong its just my beliefs are different on certain things in the bible.But like I said I have learned and some thing that I have thought about and wonder have came up about in class and have been answered and made me go research things for my self. But have learned.