Sunday, November 25, 2007

Responses: Music in the Church, Socialization of Children

As far as i am aware the only denomination to disallow use of musical instruments is the Church of Christ, they base this belief on one verse in particular, and here is their explanation from's FAQ:
"What kind of music is used in the worship?

As a result of the distinctive plea of the church - a return to New Testament Faith and practice - acappella singing is the only music used in the worship. This singing, unaccompanied by mechanical instruments of music, conforms to the music used in the apostolic church and for several centuries thereafter (Ephesians 5:19). It is felt that there is no authority for engaging in acts of worship not found in the New Testament. This principle eliminates the use of instrumental music, along with the use of candles, incense, and other similar elements. "

They don't hold the belief that all music is evil, they just wish to re-create, as closely as possible, the type of worship practiced by the early church. This would obviously be devoid of modern instruments. Also, after having listened to various types of church music, especially contemporary christian radio stations, these guys may really be on to something with the whole "no music" deal.

I'm going to post a couple videos from CNN's "God's Warriors" special from this past August (click the link for the God's Warriors website @ that show how children raised in such enviroments have these ideas further reinforced at various ages.
Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

This is only the last three parts of eleven, and these were also very relevant to the topic being discussed previously.

Here's the rest of it... some of the other parts are also quite frightening, but a few offer a glimpse of hope:
Part 1

The most frightening of these is probably that regarding Liberty University's Law School and graduates in Part 2:

Part 3

Part 4

Jimmy Carter I think has some good things to say about the subject at hand, but Hagee is an absolute nut... i'm genuinely scared that this many people listen to his "Christian-Zionism"

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

There was actually some stuff that is much closer to what i would consider christianity represented as well. For example:

Part 8