Monday, November 5, 2007

"God Hates America"

The other night I caught the tail end of a 20/20 episode about this church (cult in my opinion) in Kansas that went around the world protesting at the funerals of a war victims. How heartless and soulless can a person be to lead a protest at a funeral. I mean thier protest is ridiculous no matter where they do it but a funeral. Aperently they have never actually read the Bible or any other religious book if they think they are doing this for God or on God's behalf. They are claiming that God hates America, and that we are all going to hell because of homosexuality. They are teaching their children to sing songs that go ""Thank God for dead soldiers" "God hates fags." "God is your enemy," "God hates fag enablers." "God Hates America" to the tune of "God Bless America." " (Where's DHR when you really need them.) &

Have more info. on the story. During the part of the program the son and daughter of the preacher were being interviewed and they were so angry at the questions and the logical points that were being made by the person doing the interview. I do not understand people. Nor the thoughts that go through their head. It also angers me that people who claim to be followers of God are so ignorant, agressive, and arrogant. How can anyone claim to know the mind of God. For anyone to say that they know for sure that a certain person or groups of person are going to hell is blashphmous. All I have to say to these people is if I am going to hell I will meet them there. Sorry this episode really angered me. I had gotten over my anger until I had to go back and look for the info. on it. Writing this really set me off. Our converstation at the end of class reminded me of it.