Friday, November 23, 2007

Deeply Disturbed

I was deeply disturbed by these videos. Disturbed to the point that I cried at some of the scenes. I cannot say that speaking in tongues is not real. I have never done it and have not seen anyone in my adult life do it. As I mentioned in class my little sister and I remember my father doing it (I even think my stepmother did it but I doubt she would own up to if I asked her), but I was very young, and do not remember any of it. I do not have a problem with it but I do have a problem with what these people are doing to these kids.
I cried watching that little girl. She looked (I cannot even describe how she looked). I just wanted to grab her and take her away from all it. I wanted to take all of those children away. I cannot believe their parents sat by and watched. Anyone under the age of about sixteen is too young to claim that they have experienced something like that. Especially, in that type of setting with people all but making them do it. Children believe nearly everything an adult tells them and these people are taking advantage of their innocence.
I was baptised at the age of ten or so, and should not have been until I was out of high school. I did not understand my religion then. I still don't, but at least now I know enough to be able to make that decision. In bible school and camp these kids should be learning the basic stories of Creation (not that I am a creationist, I completely believe in evolution and that the world is a lot older that 5000 years), Noah and Jesus, not how to convulse on the floor. Their knowledge needs to gradually grow. As it grows they will be able to decide for themselves what denomination and what religion they want to follow. If you start out with the basics they will asked questions, they will study and learn. I probably believe this way because it was how I was raised and how I learned about Christianity, and I think it worked. I feel secure in my beliefs and informed of my religion. Yes I have question. I will always have questions but that is because no one will ever know how much of the bible is literally true and how much of was altered to suit someones opinion.
I do believe in God but God and I would have some serious problems if I saw any of my nieces or nephews doing that. (Actually, my problem would not be with God it would be with whoever taught them to do it.) But if God was actually doing it HE/SHE and I would be having words. If HE/SHE wants someone to teach the word, to prophecy or anything else HE/SHE needs to go through me not my babies. Kids should not, under any circumstances, be used like that.
I do not see it as cute, or interesting, or see them as being blessed. I see it as them being abused, used, and forced into a world that they should be left innocent to.