Friday, August 24, 2007


I just finished reading Chapters 1-4 in Genesis and I am a bit curious about the mark of Cain. Does anyone know what exactly the mark is supposed to look like? Is it mentioned anywhere else in the bible? I knew that Cain had been banished for the murder of his brother but somehow I had heard nothing about the mark.
I found another thing very interesting in the foot note on page 13. It states that the serpent was not originally seen as the Devil. I was raised on this idea. Not seeing it as such kind of takes away from the seduction of the temptation. It also makes me even more mad about the eating of the apple. Satan is portrayed as a great tempter and if the serpent was not Satan then it makes me feel as Eve should have been able to resist easier. I do not know it just loses some of its impact if the serpent is not seen as the Devil.