Monday, December 3, 2007
I agree
I do agree and that is why when I spoke to my pastor he told me not to quite the class but take it as a learning experience. I have alot to learn and thats why I stay reading and asking questions about the word. Its stuff this semester that I learned and did not know because I over looked it. And thats why I bring my bible to class to see the difference in my bible and the book for our class. And I learned that the bible in a way is like a paper that everyone have wrote and rewritten and you cant read them all. Because the mistake of one word could change a verse. I'm the type person that sits back and listens and if it doesnt sound right or if that person doesnt seem right I just stop contact. But talking to my pastor he told me that I have to listen to both parts the good and the bad of situation.Because people rephrase thing all the time like in Elliots presentation when he talks about the preacher that gave those (lets just say different statements)that he believes. But I have learn there are some thing in the bible we shouldnt question but just believe and take them just as they are. But that is why I'm still learning and will for ever keep learning.