Thursday, October 11, 2007

Proverbs and Ecclesiastes

When reading Proverbs, I noticed that one main theme continued to reoccur. Throughout the entire book, verse after verse seemed to say "watch out for promiscuous women."

For example, chapter 2, verses 16-18: "It will lead you from the adulteress, from the loose woman with her smooth words, who has forsaken the partner of her youth and forgotten the covenant of her God; for her house is the way down to death, and her course leads to the land of the dead"

There are many other verse almost identical to this example. (5:3-6, 7:10-27, etc.) I found it interesting that this one point was so dominate throughout the book. There were other points and themes within Proverbs, but I thought that this one really stood out since it was mentioned so many times.

Ecclesiastes also seemed to be centered around one or two main themes. I found that it seemed to be saying "wisdom before wealth," and "Pleasure and happiness is a direct result of God." As in Proverbs, there were many verses which mention these points in similar ways...many times even using repetition.

I know this might all be obvious to everyone as they read the books, but I just found it interesting that both of the books seemed to be centered around one or two main points, it is almost like they are both teachings, or sermons of some sort.