Thursday, December 13, 2007

how refreshing

I just wanted to thank you all for the experience of this class. My faith has grown stronger because of it, and I have enjoyed hearing everyone's thoughts about some texts that I had grown too familiar with to still see clearly.

I hope you all have very happy holidays!

Hey ya.

Thanks for the information! I work until 3... do you think y'all will still be there? I hope so.

Also, if you're ever dreadfully bored, click my name; I've got my regular blog on here as well as my journals. Tata for now!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A few answers-

The party will be at 2:00 Thursday the 13th at the Marriott's Bronzeback Grille (I think that's the name of the restaurant).

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I just want to say thanks to everyone. This class was already hard for me cause its literature. And I know your all or most of you are literature majors. But I appreciate you all not laughing at me. Please again forgive me for my presentation. And I'd like Dr. Akinson to know she helped me with my reading. Because before this class I wouldnt read unless it was something I want to read. Which the reading assignments I could find somethings in them that were interesting and thing that made me go research more about certain things. But I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

Monday, December 10, 2007

And also, I'm curious about the party details...

I've been meaning to post this for a while (since I believe this sign was brought up in class one day) and haven't had the chance.

"On my way back from pc today i passed a sign that said "go to church or the devil will get you." you can imagine my initial knee-jerk reaction, but you know, maybe they just got lazy and didn't have enough room to write: "its probably a good idea if you go to church because it provides a medium for introspection so you can examine your life and see if you are living up to your own morals and expectations and determine what changes you need to make to become a better person."but, you see, it takes up less space to write the former, so sometimes you just have to make things simpler. so now if i hear people say things like that or see signs and such i'll just smile and choose to think that they are only looking out for people."

My friend Lance wrote that one day, and I thought it was wonderful. I stopped being a Christian because of God and Jesus and started claiming Christianity for the exact reasons described above several years ago. For all the negative impacts our religous believes have on the world, there are definitely good things to find. Potluck dinners, lock-ins, a community in which one can participate, unconditional love... these are all things I've found through my church family.

Keep Reading and an Update

Keep reading, Jennifer. It becomes more obvious in the subsequent books. Pullman makes no secret that he and his books are about killing god. I just don't see why people care. If this guy can kill god, then we should know that and follow suit.

Also, I am unable to attend our party Thursday. I have to be in South Carolina. Sorry. I'll be wishing I were there!


What time?
Is our party Thursday.